20 Cool Things You Can Do With Gulp

What is Gulp?
  • Tool for building javascript applications
  • Front end build system
  • Built on NodeJS

Common Gulp tasks

  • get rid of whitespaces in scripts therefore save space
  • concatenate files therefore save space
  • let browser know if there's a new version of a cached file
  • testing linting optimization
  • also a web server plugin to run code on a development server 

How Gulp exactly works
  • built on Node streams
    • streams - flow of data that can be manipulated asynchronously
    • files are linked through pipelines - the pipe() operator
      • output of one file is the input of another - run task after task maybe linking different plugins for example
    •  the files are not affected until all the plugins had been processed
  • Gulp is based on streams and javascript code

 Configuring Gulp

1) Install Gulp globally - access to it anywhere on your system

npm install -g gulp

2) Create the directory for your project 

mkdir exampleProject 

3) cd into the directory and open it up in Atom (the coding text editor)

cd exampleProject

atom . 

 4) Create a package.json file which will hold all metadata for our server

npm init 

5) install gulp locally in our project folder as a development dependency, a node_modules folder is automatically created- local modules

npm install --save-dev gulp 

6) Create directory named src to store our application source code, this source code will then get compiled and the compiled version used in the Build/Public directory - basically the viewable used version of our code
mkdir src 
7) Create the only file needed for Gulp - gulpfile.js - that's where we describe everything we are going to do with Gulp

touch gulpfile.js 

8) Contents of gulpfile.js

const gulp = require('gulp');

9) 4 Gulp top level functions

gulp.task = define tasks
gulp.src = point to the files to use
gulp.dest = points to the folder to output 
gulp.watch = watch files and folders for changes 

10) Expanding the gulpfile.js with more functionality

10.1) Log a message 

gulp.task('message', function(){

return console.log("Gulp is running..");


11) Running gulp with the specified task name 

in the console: gulp message 

Gulp will show it started and finished the task, including the output.

If you don't want to run a task with a specific name, you can enter 'default' in the task name placeholder, and then just type gulp. That function will be run.

12) Create a task to copy HTML files

Create 2 HTML files, index.html and about.html 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>First App</title>

    <h1>Welcome to my website</h1>



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>First App</title>

    <h1>About this website</h1>


Copy those files to the Public folder using a Gulp task

gulp.task('copyallhtml', function(){



The Public folder = our production application, mostly files are copied there after being stripped of white spaces etc

UPCOMING: Optimizing uploaded images with Gulp

13) Optimizing uploaded images with Gulp

13.1) Get the plugin - gulp-imagemin 
Link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-imagemin

Get in your project's directory, and npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin

13.2) Include the imagemin npm module in the gulpfile

const imageMin = require('gulp-imagemin');  

gulp.task('imagemin', () => --- create gulp task, callback function
    gulp.src('src/images/*') --- source being the server's image folder
        .pipe(imagemin()) --- pipe the source with the imagemin function
        .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/images')) --- pipe to production folder

13.3) type in gulp imagemin to call the task and we're done!

14) Optimizing our javascript code to save space on our server 

This functionality will get rid of white spaces and other clutter in your source code when being uploaded to the Public / production folder - our server.

14.1) Creating a testing file
Go into your src folder, mkdir js
touch file1.js 

Also go into your public(or dist) where the destination for our optimized .js files will be
cd public
mkdir js 

Write some code with unnecessary white space between it into file1.js

// console log
console.log("HO LEE FUUUK");

// another console console.log;
console.log("OH MA GEWDDDDDDDDD"); 

14.2) Get the gulp-uglify module in your project's directory

npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify 

Reminder: --save-dev is the dependencies your package needs only for development purposes, not when installed on a different machine

14.3) Include the module in our gulpfile 

const uglify = gulp.require('gulp-uglify'); 

14.4) Create the uglify gulp task in our gulpfile using the same code procedure as with every gulp task

 gulp.task('optimizejs', () => 


14.5) Run it!

gulp optimizejs 

15)  Add gulp SASS

SASS = CSS precompiler - can use functions and nestings etc. in our css 
SASS files use an .scss extension

15.1) Install the gulp SASS module for development

npm install --save-dev gulp-sass 

15.1) Apply the module for compiling SASS in our gulpfile - the gulp task will create all the necessary folders! Also, with the sass() function, files will be compiled into css.

const sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('sass', () => 
        .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))

15.2) More setting up

In our src folder, create a folder named sass

in the sass folder, create style.scss file

in the style.scss file, set a variable

$bgColor: #cccccc;

body {
     background: $bgColor;

15.3) Run the task!

gulp sass 

Note - write into the index.html file, and then use the copyallhtml gulp task to copy it to the public folder!

16) Add a link to our index.html to link up our compiled stylesheet styles.css

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> 

17) Include our optimized .js file into index.html

<script src="js/file1.js"></script>  

Copy paste this to the about.html file  

Use the copyallhtml gulp task to copy those to the public folder

18) Make all the gulp tasks run with one command  

In the default gulp task, include an array of tasks we want to run

  ['copyallhtml', 'imagemin', 'optimizejs', 'sass']

This will build our public(dist) folder!

19) Create gulp task to concatenate all .js files together

Get the gulp-concat plugin 

npm install --save-dev gulp-concat

Create a file2.js in our src/js


console.log("THIS IF FILE TWOOOOOOO");

alert("OMG THIS IS FILE TWOOoOoOoOoOoOo");  

Include gulp-concat in our gulpfile

const concat = require('gulp-concat'); 

Combine all .js files into a file main.js

Get rid of our .js optimizing task and incorporate it into the concat task

// combine all scripts
gulp.task('combinescripts', () =>

Run it! Just type in gulp  

20) Monitor changes to files and call responding gulp tasks with gulp.watch 

// monitor changes and apply proper tasks
gulp.task('watch', function(){
  gulp.watch('src/*.html', ['copyallhtml']);
  gulp.watch('src/images/*', ['imagemin']);
  gulp.watch('src/sass/*.scss', ['sass']);
  gulp.watch('src/js/*.js', ['combinescripts']);

then run gulp watch in the terminal and you will see it actively monitoring and running corresponding tasks.






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